


Tropic of Rhetoric

Language and Literature at Seminole State College

Professor Kelli McBride

Analyzing a Text








ENG/HUM 2543

ENG/HUM 2413

ENG/HUM 2433

Supplemental Readings

Copyright Kelli McBride 2003-2020

Graphics designed by Kelli McBride and are for her exclusive use.

Handouts for college classes maybe used as per fair use practice.  All other documents on this site written by Ms. McBride are copyright protected.  Please email her for rights to use.











Goal and Objectives

This is the first essay unit. The goals and objectives in this unit are to:

  • Introduce you to argumentation

  • Practice analyzing a text

  • Connect themes in a writer's work with events going on in society

  • Practice incorporating sources into essays using MLA style




Required reading is indicated by (READ) after titles below.





Sigma Kappa Delta

The Muse

SSC Home Page
