Nixon Essay Worksheet


Use this worksheet to either build your essay or as a checklist to keep track of all required components. That means you can either fill it out first and then start piecing it all together in traditional essay format, or you can write your essay first and then fill in the blanks below.  You will turn this worksheet in the same day you submit your essay. There will be a separate assignment area to submit this worksheet as an attached document (doc, docx, rtf, or odt). You can download the DOC version of this worksheet here.



Attention Getter that introduces issue of fallacies and propaganda



Background information that communicates purpose and audience for essay – how this connects specifically to the audience (establishes contexts)







Explanation of the use of Nixon in trying to understand logical fallacies/propaganda






Thesis statement




Body Paragraph 1

Identify Logical Fallacy



Define and explain fallacy with a citation from Cross or Aaron





Quote from Nixon that exemplifies fallacy (document quote)





Analyze quote, showing audience how it functions as the specific fallacy you’ve identified.








Explain why this kind of action in general is dangerous or inappropriate









Body Paragraph 2

Identify Logical Fallacy



Define and explain fallacy with a citation from Cross or Aaron




Quote from Nixon that exemplifies fallacy (document quote)


Analyze quote, showing audience how it functions as the specific fallacy you’ve identified.








Explain why this kind of action in general is dangerous or inappropriate







Body Paragraph 3

Identify Logical Fallacy



Define and explain fallacy with a citation from Cross or Aaron




Quote from Nixon that exemplifies fallacy (document quote)


Analyze quote, showing audience how it functions as the specific fallacy you’ve identified.








Explain why this kind of action in general is dangerous or inappropriate










Restate Thesis



Wrap up argument, reminding reader of the connections between fallacies/propaganda and specific contexts you’ve established in the introduction and throughout the essay


So-what factor: Address why the reader should care about these issues in his/her life – how does it potentially influence them?




Works Cited Page

Citation for Nixon

Nixon, Richard M.



Citation for Cross

Cross, Donna Woolfolk. “Propaganda: How Not to Be Bamboozled.”



Citation for Aaron

Aaron, Jane E., ed. LB Brief.