Common Class Materials


Note: Many of these links are to MS Word documents


Copyright Kelli McBride 2003-2009

Graphics designed by Kelli McBride and are for her exclusive use.

Handouts for college classes maybe used as per fair use practice.  All other documents on this site written by Ms. McBride are copyright protected.  Please email her for rights to use.

ENG 1113  ENG 1213  ENG 2543  ENG/HUM 2413  ENG/HUM 2433  1113 & 1213

Essay Development Packet

ENG 1113: Principles of English Composition I

ENG 1213: Principles of English Composition II
ENG/HUM 2543: Survey of British Literature I
ENG/HUM 2413: Introduction to Literature
ENG/HUM 2433: World Literature I

Handouts Used in Both ENG 1113 & ENG 1213